Exproperti.com – A Canker Sores Natural Remedy may be the solution you are looking for. This remedy is both effective and safe. Listed below are a few of the most effective natural remedies for canker sores. Hopefully one of these remedies will help you get rid of these annoying sores once and for all. And remember, you are not alone. If you are suffering from canker sores, there is no need to feel ashamed!
The salt and baking soda solution is the oldest home remedy for thrush
One of the oldest home remedies for canker sores is a salt and baking soda solution. This natural remedy is incredibly easy to use. Simply mix a teaspoon of salt with one cup of warm water and swish it around your mouth. You can use it daily, if you want to see results. It will speed up the healing time and dry out the sore. You can also rinse with apple cider vinegar.
Another Canker Sores Natural Remedy is to brush your teeth daily. Brushing with soft bristles is less likely to scratch the sore. Using orthodontic wax is another option, as it smooths out the sharp edges of dental appliances. These can break the inner cheeks and gums. You can also try relaxing rituals. These may help you reduce your stress levels. They will also reduce your canker sores’ healing time.
Taking care of OTC medicines and natural remedies is very important
Homemade remedies are an effective canker sores remedy. Oftentimes, you can use your favorite recipe. Keeping OTC medications and natural remedies on hand is crucial. Accidental scraping and excessive pressure can bleed, but don’t worry, it’s not contagious. Sores can also bleed from minor irritation. Just make sure that you don’t make it any bigger than it is.
Baking soda is another excellent canker Sores natural remedy. Baking soda can help to reduce inflammation by balancing the pH of the mouth. After brushing, swishing the baking soda paste in the mouth is said to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. You can also try mixing baking soda with water to make a mouthwash. The mixture should be diluted in half a cup of warm water and repeated every few hours to see results.
Milk of magnesia alters the pH balance in the mouth, reducing pain and swelling
Using diluted hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash is another excellent canker sores natural remedy. Swish the solution around your mouth for about a minute and then spit it out. Milk of magnesia contains magnesium hydroxide, an acid neutralizer and a laxative. When applied on the canker sore, the mixture changes the pH balance in the mouth, reducing pain and swelling.
Another effective home remedy for canker sores is apple cider vinegar. It is known to be an excellent anti-inflammatory and can help kill the bacteria in your mouth. Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. Rinse the mouth with the solution, swishing it around your mouth for about 30 seconds each time, twice a day, until the pain subsides. You should remember that if you use too much of apple cider vinegar, you may damage your tooth enamel.
Honey contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
Another natural remedy for canker sores is honey. Honey contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying honey directly to a canker sore may help reduce the pain and size of the sore, and it may also prevent secondary infections. Honey can be applied to the sore four times daily. However, be aware that honey in grocery stores is typically pasteurized. Choosing unpasteurized honey will preserve the therapeutic properties of the honey.
Coconut oil is another excellent remedy for canker sores. Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This remedy is safe to use and can be applied as often as needed. Just remember to rinse the area with the liquid at least twice a day. It works best for the first few days. If you have more than one canker sore, you may want to experiment with different combinations of ingredients to find the perfect remedy for you.