Design Ideas For a Small French Kitchen

937 – Are you thinking about remodeling your small French kitchen? You’re making a wise decision because small kitchens are becoming very popular. Small French kitchens can add a lot of style and function to your home. Even if you don’t live in France or own a home, there are people out there who still want to create a small cozy space where they can grow their own herbs and vegetables. It’s truly an art form to make something that small seem like it fits so perfectly into a larger environment.

Small French Kitchen Style

Because the space is so small, the natural thing would be to stick to the rustic charm. However, when working with such a small area, you have to carefully consider every item and decide every inch worth saving. Rustic charm isn’t just a word that is used to describe French cooking, no matter the small space you worked with. No matter what the space you worked with, regardless of which materials you used, the rustic charm remains.

If you aren’t already the proud owner of a small French kitchen, now may be the time for you to start thinking about expanding your kitchen. Many people who own homes with small spaces just can’t help but get drawn to the idea of fitting a small kitchen with all of the necessary items that allow for true French cooking. There are many different things that make a small French kitchen style so enticing. Some people are drawn to the warmth and rustic charm while others want to combine the two for a true French touch.

Best Small French Kitchen Designs

One way to really add to the appeal of a small French kitchen design is to incorporate various items from throughout the French culture. For example, did you know that many homes throughout France feature beautiful garden trellises? These trellises would definitely add an extra touch to your small French kitchen design, allowing you to display some of your favorite artwork or even have some built in with your countertops. This way, you have the rustic appeal of the trellis and the warm atmosphere of your home without having to incorporate the entire France into it. Your small French kitchen design would still have its own personality but it would also look very “French.”

Another thing that would add elegance to your small kitchen area is to create a sense of light within it. One thing that often goes hand in hand with a small kitchen design is the feeling of claustrophobia. Because of this, many people opt for a very open, uninviting feeling to their kitchens. One way around this is to use lighting to open up the space. By putting in different lamps and soft lighting, you can open up the kitchen without overpowering it and creating a claustrophobic feeling.

Tips for Planning a Small French Kitchen Design

The next thing to consider when planning out your kitchen design is the actual countertop materials that you will be using. Although the appearance of your countertop will be the biggest impression that your kitchen makes to visitors, it is only one small part of your total space. In this regard, it’s important to remember that in smaller spaces, it is sometimes more efficient and economical to use granite or other materials that have a high impact on the eye. By creating a countertop that flows and curves gracefully, your kitchen can appear to be much larger than it really is. This effect is achieved because the eye is drawn to these small, decorative details.

Finally, one last thing that can help your small kitchen to look larger than it actually is to keep things organized. By keeping pots, pans, and other kitchen items organized and in their proper places, your small kitchen will appear to be much less cluttered. One thing to always remember when working on organization in a small kitchen is that it does not mean disorganization. You simply need to find the right method for the organization in order to make your kitchen as neat as possible while still leaving the ability to utilize your space for all of your cooking needs. As always, with larger kitchens, more methods of organization may be required, and it’s best to discuss these options with an interior designer prior to making any final decisions.

All in all, the key to designing a small French kitchen is to keep it simple. Keep your kitchen accessories to a minimum, and use the walls, flooring, and counters to break up the large space. By doing so, you can make your small kitchen appear to be much larger than it really is. These simple tricks can work wonders in your kitchen design and allow you to use the space that you have much better than you ever thought possible.


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