How to Choose White Exterior Trim Colors

1104 – First things first let’s talk about white. Not only is it an aesthetic choice, it can also be a safety issue depending on the kind of white paint you choose for your exterior home lighting. It should be noted that even though the exterior white paint has the word white in the name, it doesn’t always have to be white! In fact it is common these days to see exterior white paint that has some yellow tints in it. These tinted white paints are called faux white and are quite popular with those who want to create the appearance of white without the risks associated with actually using white paint.

Using Quality White Exterior Paint

In order to achieve a white exterior, you need to use a good grade of white paint that has some natural color to it. A good example would be Shojin- Kyoto (a Japanese brand). If you go down to your local Home Depot or Lowe’s store, you will find a wide variety of great brands such as Sherwin-Williams, Quikrete, and Quikrete Pro. These brands are all great quality and should be on your list of choices in order to achieve the beautiful white exterior that you are striving for.

Another popular option for exterior paint color is to use a modern farmhouse look! The beautiful colors found in a traditional rural farmhouse will be perfect for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Farmhouse colors tend to be more muted and clean and they can help to create a more natural feel to your exteriors. Warm and inviting, is a big key in creating a great first impression and a welcoming environment.

Tips for Creating a Formal Look

If you are working on creating a more formal look, then you may want to go with a more warm and cool white paint hue. To achieve a warm undertone, choose a warm color like honey and light orange. To achieve a cool white hue, try a warm lemon yellow. For a true contrast between the two colors, try using light blue instead of the yellow. This contrast works well because it brings out both warm and cool qualities of the white paint. This will make your white paint exteriors very inviting.

If you are working on a more dramatic theme, then you may want to go with a more intense color such as deep forest green. Gray is another great choice in an earth toned color scheme. Gray tones work especially well if you are going with a more dramatic look. If you’re not sure if gray would be the right choice, then consider going with pure white. Pure white has a very fresh and neutral look and it’s also fairly easy to match into any color scheme.

Color Considerations For Exterior Trim

Now that you know the type of paint you should use for your exterior trim colors, you need to get samples of different paint so that you can see how the different colors will look different when they are painted on your home. If you don’t already have paint samples, then you should consider getting some from the local hardware store. You can also go online and find samples of various paint brands. The benefit of shopping online is that you can easily compare the samples and find the one that best suits your taste.

When choosing between different white exterior paint colors, you should consider the overall design theme you want to create. For example, some people will go with white door handles while others will opt for a more traditional look with real wood pulls. Other people may choose to paint their home’s a darker shade of brown. Then there are those that may want to add just a hint of color to their exteriors by painting just a few lines. These individuals should consider carefully the colors of the hardware they will use to add accent to their chosen designs.

You should also pay attention to your surroundings and the climate when choosing your paint color. Some people would want to paint their homes in light colors to make their homes appear more spacious. Others opt for white to reflect the sunlight that falls on their home during the winter season. However, if you are living in an area that experiences a lot of snowfall, then a light white exterior trim might be more appropriate for your home. If you are trying to create a winter motif in your white exterior trim, then opt for light or pale pastel shades like blue, grey, white or pink.


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