White Home Exteriors Ideas for a Quick and Simple Touch of Simplicity


Exproperti.com – The white home exterior is such a classical and it’ll always still be fashionable! It might not always be the hottest trend, but it certainly never goes out of fashion! If people were building homes today (in 2018) who would build a white home painted brick, timber deck, sealed & insulated home with granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances and granite top counter tops? Who wouldn’t? And guess what, white paint doesn’t even have to be that expensive now either!

Luxury Farmhouse with Classical Style

So you want to create an environment that is as cozy, inviting and yet contemporary as a luxury farmhouse in the country. You are starting off with a well-loved classic. To get a real authentic farmhouse feel, add the right accents to your home! Farmhouse tables add such a warm and inviting feeling. They are also very practical for when you have visitors, since they’re so functional.

If you’re considering white homes, then start with a good paint color. However, not all paints are created equally. There are so many colors to choose from, and finding the right ones can be a challenge, if you don’t know where to start! When searching for accents, you’ll find yourself spoiled for choice with the multitude of colors, grains, and textures available.

Consider Using Blue Interior White House

There is one accent that is great for white home interiors, but also works perfectly with rustic, country, cottage, and barn colors: the blue. It makes a lovely, subtle background that works perfectly with your furniture choices and other accessories. Consider using blues indoors like in a foyer, kitchen, or dining area. Or add a splash of blues to a room like a living room. The blues are softer than bright, bold blues, so if your home has more of a rustic or western feel to it, try using blues mixed in with the other colors.

Speaking of colors, another easy addition to your white home is color! You can bring the warm feeling of nature indoors without overdoing it with too many exciting colors. Try neutral colors like white, beige, and a variety of other whites that give off an inviting look. This way, your white home will really come to life, especially when paired with the more modern farmhouse tables and chairs, crockery, and accents.

Black trim and window trim are another great accent for a white home. A black trim around windows can give a very dramatic effect, depending on how you use it. You could use a black trim along one or both edges of your windows, or just on the outside of the glass. Black trim also gives the appearance of a bigger, broader window, which is great when you want the feeling of being outdoors while still staying inside your white home.

A Touch of Classical Design on the Front Porch

Finally, add a touch of classic design to your front porch. A great option for this is a four post shared wall with wrought iron posts between them. Wrought iron is the perfect material for such a wall as it is very durable and adds a touch of classic design to your front porch. If you have light-colored floors around the house, you could even paint your front porch with a lighter shade of white. A simple paint job will make your porch pop with style and grace.

There are many other great white home exteriors ideas that will add that special touch you are looking for. The key is to stay lighthearted and keep things simple. Take a trip to your local hardware store today and see what they can offer you. Your white home exteriors will soon be transformed into a place that everyone can enjoy!


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