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Urban House Design Style

Exproperti.com - An 8,000-square-foot home on a prime western exposure lot required an innovative plan to reduce the...

Asian Bedroom Décor Ideas

Exproperti.com - If you want to bring a touch of Asian style into your sleep space, start with...

3 Ide Kamar Mandi Elegan – Menambahkan Sentuhan Berkelas

Exproperti.com - Menggunakan ide kamar mandi alami akan menghemat uang dan menambah nilai rumah Anda. Kebanyakan pembangun...

Contemporary Kitchen Design Style

Exproperti.com - Contemporary kitchens are among the very best styles of modern kitchen, and for very good...

Cool Office Decorations

exproperti.com - For your office, you can consider different cool office decoration ideas. You can use your...